
Off To A Fresh Start!

fresh start

Happy New Year everybody!

Yes, I’m very aware we’re already 5 days into 2018 but I still believe we’re in time to celebrate the start of a new year. Now as much as I love new beginnings and the excitement of a fresh new start, I also believe it’s important to consider what we have learnt from last year in order to have a more clear perspective of what’s to come.

On that note, one of the major things 2017 made me realize is that I can’t control everything and I’m actually fine with that. Instead I need to focus on how to react to those situations when things won’t go the way I planned and try to make the most out of them. It’s all about embracing change.

Speaking of control, a big lesson I’ve learnt is that it’s okay to slow down a little. Don’t just rush into things because I’m not on a race or a competition and there isn’t really a reason to keep running. Besides, it’s more fulfilling to just be present and enjoy the moment rather than overthink about the future or even about what could have been.

Another important one is that while it’s great to set goals because it helps you keep on track with the things you want to achieve and staying motivated. However, I also learned that what’s not healthy is to cling to those goals and let everything revolve around them. So instead it could be better to set smaller monthly or even weekly goals, that way it’s easier to reach them and appreciate my progress towards the big achievements.

Finally, to sum up everything I just said it’s something I’m still working on but I think that 2018 should really be about this. Appreciation. I know sometimes can be hard to step back and appreciate everything that’s going in our lives, especially the not so good stuff. But once we get to see the bigger picture it’s much more easier to enjoy the moment we’re in and what’s around us.

With that said, I hope you all are headed off to a brand new start this year and I’m sure we’ll make of 2018 an amazing one.



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